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Language Milestones

Language refers to the words we use and how we use them to share ideas and get our wants and needs met. In its most basic form, language can be broken down into two categories: receptive language and expressive language. Receptive language describes how well we understand language (listening and reading). Expressive language describes how we use language (spoken words and writing).  

birth to 3 months

alerts to sounds

quiets or smiles when you talk

makes sounds back & forth with you

makes sounds based on their mood

coos, makes sounds like ooo, aahhh, & mmm

recognizes loved ones & common objects

turns/looks toward voices or people talking


by 3 months: not responding to sounds, not tracking moving objects with eyes, cry is no different whether hungry or tired, & persistent problems with sucking/swallowing 

4 to 6 months

giggles & laughs

responds to facial expressions

looks at & follows interesting object with eyes, ex: bottle

reacts to musical toys

vocalizes during play or when objects are in mouth

vocalizes vowels (maybe with consonant), ex: uuumm, daa

blows raspberries


by 6 months: lack of connection with parent, cannot focus (easily overwhelmed), no social smile, no cooing, not responding to sounds, & not looking at someone who is speaking to them 

7 to 9 months

looks at you when you call their name

stops for a moment when you say "no"

babbles longs strings, ex: mamama, upup, babababa

looks for loved ones when upset

raises arms to be picked up

recognizes names of a few people & objects

pushes away unwanted objects


by 9 months: limited eye contact, no consonant sounds, not responding to name, & lack of connection with parent

10 to 12 months

reaches for objects

points, waves, & shows or gives an object

imitates & initiates gestures for social games, ex: peekaboo

tries to copy sounds that you make

enjoys dancing

responds appropriately to words & phrases, ex: hi, look, bye

says one or two words, ex: mama, dada, hi, bye, etc.


by 12 months: easily upset by sounds that would not be upsetting to others, limited babbling, not using gestures to communicate, relying exclusively on context for language understanding, & not responding to their name

13 to 18 months

looks around when asked where questions

follows simple directions, ex: "come here," "give me," etc.

points to request, comment, or question

shakes head for "no" & nods head for "yes"

understands & uses words for common items, people, etc.

identifies at least one body part

uses gestures when excited, ex: clapping, high-fives, etc.

uses longs strings of sounds, syllables, & real words


by 18 months: not using at least three consonant sounds (p, b, m, t, d, w, h, n), not imitating or spontaneously producing single words, not persistent in communication (gives up easily if parent does not understand), not imitating simple actions or sounds, & does not say at least 10 words consistently

19 to 24 months

uses & understands at least 50 different words

speech may not be clear, ex: du for "shoe," dah for "dog"

puts two or more words together, ex: more water, go out

follows two-step directions, ex: "get the cup & put it here"

uses words like me, mine, & you

uses words to ask for help

uses possessives, ex: daddy's truck


by 24 months: using less than 50 words independently, not using at least 5 consonant sounds (p, b, m, t, d, h, w, n), not following simple directions, not using two-word phrases, compulsively labels objects instead of requesting or commenting, & regression in language development (stops talking) 

2 to 3 years

uses phrases often but may repeat some words

tries to get your attention, ex: look at me!

says their name when asked

uses some plural words, ex: birds, toys, etc.

uses -ing & -ed, ex: running, played, etc.

gives reasons, ex: saying they need a coat when it's cold

asks why & how

answers questions like "which one can you wear?"

correctly produces p, b, m, h, w, d, & n in words

correctly produces most vowels in words

speech is getting clearer, may not be understood by others


by 3 years: only producing single-syllable words without final consonants (ba for "ball"), few or no phrases, not asking questions, frequent tantrums when not understood or cannot communicate effectively, & repeating speech without communicative intent

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (
Pathways (
American Speech Language Hearing Association (
American Academy of Pediatrics ( 
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